College of International, Humanitarian and Development Studies

The Bachelor of Arts major in International Studies (IS) program is a comprehensive study of the historical, political, social and economic relations of the world's governments and states, and their interaction within an international political system. With a multi- and interdisciplinary approach, the IS program equips students with critical and analytical skills for understanding various issues affecting human, societal and global development.

The program is designed for students interested in pursuing careers in Foreign Service, law, government, academe, non-government organizations, and regional or international development agencies. Students can choose from two curricular tracks:

AB International Studies-Development Studies Track introduces and examines the prospects and approaches to development and social change in poor/developing countries as well as their relations with rich/developed countries. It gives particular focus on poverty and inequality, international aid, development planning, and role of non-government organizations.

AB International Studies-International Politics Track introduces and examines the processes and dynamics of relations between states and non-state actors as well as trends and issues that have global implications. It covers a wide range of focus such as international relations, international peace and security, international law, and human rights.

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